A healthy and safe work environment is fundamental to keeping morale high among your employees and makes a significant contribution towards improved performance. In today’s climate, active environmental management work is also an essential element of remaining attractive on the labour market and among customers.
With our cloud-based service KLARA, your organisation will benefit from systematic and effective support, not only to comply with all current legislative requirements, but also to meet your own targets within health and safety, and the environment.
Contact us!


KLARA originated as a response to demands for an effective and safe chemicals management system, an area fraught with significant risks and subject to comprehensive legislation. KLARA more than meets these demands by providing users with a range of functional services, including risk assessments of potentially hazardous operations along with associated process descriptions, chemicals lists and registers, and safety data sheets. In addition, the system can perform safety inspections, in-house fire safety inspections and much more. KLARA is designed to efficiently manage all types of CMR products, as well as radiation sources through an add-on module.
KLARA is a cloud-based service requiring minimal maintenance – the only things you need are a web browser and an internet connection, we take care of the rest.
Would you like to find out more about how KLARA can help to improve your work environment and safety?
Contact us to find out more.


KLARA supports the user by automatically checking chemicals lists against applicable legislation, identifying any products that may be prohibited, require a permit or have a restricted field of use. The system stays up-to-date with the latest versions of large number of reference lists, as well as allowing you to create your own lists of substances or products that you wish to phase out. The reference lists include the following:

• REACH Annex XIV och XVII
• REACH Candidate list
• Chemsec SIN-list
• The Restricted Substances Database
• The Medical Products Agency class 1 and 2, etc
Simplified approach
KLARA provides your entire organisation with easy access to details of all items listed in your chemicals database, including hazard and safety advice, waste and transport information, etc. Thanks to the system’s registration of the item’s current stock level and location on the premises, your work is substantially streamlined, especially in research-intensive environments. You can also configure KLARA to list which parts of the organisation handle which product, in what quantities and what their annual consumption is, giving you a complete overview of your important environmental work. As the relevant documentation is always available together with the related material safety data sheets (MSDS) and hazard statements, you can be assured that you have mitigated the risks facing your organisation and improved the work environment.
Clearer reporting
Because KLARA ensures that your chemicals list and the associated risk assessments are always up-to-date, providing clear reports of your environmental impact and environmental work for various stakeholders is a quick, simple process. KLARA enables you with the means to present, in a quality-assured manner, to employees, the media, professional associations or government agencies your compliance with relevant legislation and your active work on environmental, safety and quality issues.


KLARA offers a range of functions which provide you with complete oversight of all your chemicals and radiation sources. The system is designed to meet all your needs and requirements in the fields of safety, environment and quality. Through its many features, KLARA helps you to:
KLARA has a user-friendly and standardised interface, providing the user with clear and simple information about chemicals and their associated risks, as well as relevant cross-references to the relevant legislation.
The user gets a clear overview of the results and the risks linked to the chemicals used in the organisation – information that can easily be shared with the relevant authorities or other stakeholders.
The quick and effective registration of individual substances and products means that you always have an up-to-date chemicals database containing the latest versions of available material safety data sheets (MSDS).
Assess Risks
KLARA has a well-developed support system for risk assessments of hazardous operations and the associated process descriptions. A standardised template means that updating and implementing the risk assessments is simple. KLARA alerts you whenever a new risk assessment is required, such as when a product has been assigned to a higher classification category or if the validity period has elapsed.
KLARA is as simple as it is secure
KLARA is a web-based service that requires minimal maintenance. As your supplier, Nordic Port commits fully to the continuous, ongoing quality-assurance of information relating to the chemical products, as well as always making sure that the latest versions of the material safety data sheets (MSDS) are accessible.
Thanks to its advanced integration format, KLARA can safely and smoothly integrate with your existing systems, without the need for any disruptive adjustments.


Our core product in this area is KLARA Chemicals Management, but the functions and features of the system can be expanded and enhanced through a number of optional extras and add-on modules which complement your environmental management, work environment and safety work:
Option: Bar Code and Purchase Requisition
With Bar Code and Purchase Requisition, you can optimise your inventory management, streamline the purchasing process and reducing your total purchases of chemical products. The function has been developed in collaboration with research groups engaging in extensive chemicals management, for whom the exact locations and quantities of chemicals represent critical information.
Option: Purchase Import
Thanks to Purchase Import, KLARA can be integrated with your existing purchasing system. This facilitates the transfer of information about consumed quantities of chemicals and ensures that all chemical products in use in the organisation have actually been registered.
Option: Structure Search
Structure Search allows users to search for fragments of a molecule, and carry out detailed searches by molecule and molecular weight.
Option: Single Sign-On
Single Sign-On makes KLARA part of your intranet. No extra login and no forgotten passwords. Single Sign-On increases your security while simultaneously reducing administration and maintenance. 
Add-on: Radiation Sources
Employing the same proven system applied by KLARA for chemicals, this module ensures that radiation sources are managed in a way that improves safety for both employees and customers. The module assists you in your compliance with laws and regulations and facilitates reporting to authorities.
Add-on: Safety Inspections
The KLARA SAMSYN module allows you to register your own safety inspections and distribute e-forms to the relevant employees. These employees use KLARA to implement and document safety inspections, where they also carry out risk assessments and develop action plans.
Add-on: In-house Fire Inspection
With the In-house Fire Inspection module, you get support for your systematic fire safety work, as the inspections are organised, implemented and followed up in KLARA. The module also allows you to add control points to a floor plan, to help you find the equipment more easily and report the errors that need to be addressed.
Add-on: Legislation Monitoring
A subscription that gives you regular updates on relevant environmental and occupational health and safety legislation.
Add-on: Course Booking
A key part of work environment and safety management is ensuring that employees have the requisite skills and have passed organised training courses. With the Course Booking module, you can add course dates, allow employees to register and obtain follow-up information on course participation.


KLARA has been developed in consultation with leading researchers who handle large amounts of chemicals in their work environments every day.